Friday, February 10, 2012


Five enterprising local artisans - Sonia Rolle, Sharon Johnson, Sosefina Christie, Nadine Ramphal and Rukenya Nash - have joined forces to bring an array of locally crafted gift items, for sale, to the Bahamian public.

The ladies are proud to announce the soft opening of the CRAFT COTTAGE at Doongalik Studios Art Gallery! The public is invited to 'come to the cottage' for unique jewelry, native straw bags, pendant scarves, painted glasses, sea glass mobiles, soaps and oils. For more information, please telephone 646-4756!

2.11.12. #18 Village Road. 9am-1pm.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


The final installment in the Doongalik Studios’ Jackson Burnside Conversations on Culture relating to the ‘Spirit of the Dance’ Exhibition, will take place tonight and focus on the late Paul Meeres, and international dance legend and icon. Meeres' career began like many of his era - on the contract - and continued in many of the famous NY and Parisian nightclubs in a cinematic journey to be unfolded this evening.

The Exhibition, which will be on display until February 16, follows the stunning careers in over a century of dance by three world famous performers: Paul Meeres, Hubert Farrington and Shirley Hall Bass all of whom made a positive impact on The Bahamas and the world. The Conversations are an integral part of the event that allows the public to receive invaluable insight into the lives of these famous dancers.

Last week’s Conversation focused on the dance career of Bahamian Dance Legend Hubert Farrington. Hosted by Charles Carter, guest speakers for this session were Mr Farrington’s niece, Shelagh Farrington-Pritchard who looked after him before he died and became the keeper of his memorabilia, as well as Attorney Dr Peter Maynard, author of the biography: ‘Great Awakening: Meta Davis-Cumberbatch, Mother of the Arts’. Mrs Cumberbatch, Dr Maynard’s grandmother, was Mr Farrington’s music teacher, associate and mentor. Attendees were also treated to a performance by SALSAcasino Bahamas who reminded us of Farrington's link to the Latin American Dance Community. (see video above)

The public is invited to attend this free event and learn more about these fascinating segments of dance history in The Bahamas.


2.9.12. #18 Village Road. 6pm.